The woven fabrics prepared for the dyeing process is rolled on the beam with equal tension.

This machine allows the preparation of high quantities of fabric in one batch up to 1400 mm diameter.

The winding unit is diversified in accordance with the different beam diameters in the dyehouses.

The winding unit gets suitable position by single key for winding variable beams length.

Changer group that provides fabric movement to prevent edge camber that may occur during winding.

Loading and unloading of the beam to the machine is easily make with the Crane group.

The fabric meter measured with the electronic tourmeter system is displayed on the digital screen.

The edge alignment of the fabric on the beam is ensured with the photocell fabric centering group that controls the winding unit. 

Wrinkled fabrics are prevented during winding thanks to the bent cambric roller (banana roller) and opener groups in the winding unit.

The fabric on the beam is laid on the plain with the backward working mode of the machine.